Case Studies

The Infirmary

Challenging behaviours

This enquiry was formed with a group of participants from the Worcester Youth Development Centre, with Ali Scrannage as their designated Youth Worker, Laura Butland from University of Worcester’s new exhibition The Infirmary, and Mark Ellis of Live Art group Collective Unconscious as artist.

It’s difficult to pin down this co-enquiry in terms of a single point of exploration. By their very nature, co-enquiries seemingly realise a thematic complex, containing numerous points of enquiry and discovery. The defining element of the group however, was the collective desire to challenge the identified roles within the research triangle in a behavioural and practical sense; what were we ‘supposed’ to be doing and was this what we ‘wanted’ to be doing?

This led to exploration that could be loosely located within five thematic areas of enquiry: fear, place and space, identity, sexual health, materials.

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